
travel bridge GmbH

Am Bueschelchen 12
34596 Bad Zwesten

Tel.: +49 (0)5626 921 89 76
Fax: +49 (0)5626 921 89 77


Stephan Busch
VAT.-ID: DE200519588

Registered office of the Company

Am Bueschelchen 12
D – 34596 Bad Zwesten

Entered in the commercial register of the local court in Fritzlar: register sheet HRB 12050


Am Bueschelchen 12
D – 34594 Bad Zwesten
Tel.: +49 (0)5626 921 89 76
Fax: +49 (0)5626 921 89 77

United States:

Travel Bridge LLC
25050 Riding Plaza #130-634
South Riding, VA 20152

Phone: +1 (571) 358-8089

Registered: Commonwealth of Virginia
ID: S5549144

Conception, design and technical realization

Stephan Busch
Am Bueschelchen 12
34596 Bad Zwesten

Person responsible for the content of this website:

Stephan Busch (Managing Director travel-bridge GmbH)
Mailbox 1142
D – 34594 Bad Zwesten
Phone.: +49 (0)5626 921 89 76
Fax: +49 (0)5626 921 89 77

We accept no responsibility for the text or content of websites that have been linked on this homepage.

Web design: Stephan Busch

Copyright notice:

All texts that are used are protected by copyright. All texts are only meant for the personal use of the user and his employees. To third parties on the content of this site is prohibited. Reprinting, photo-mechanical, electronic or other ways of copying, editing, translation, microfilming and saving, makes available to the public, integration in databases or other electronic media and systems – even in parts only allowed after consent by the operator of the homepage.


To the best of our knowledge, the content of the texts has been written. No liability or responsibility is assumed for the correctness, topicality, completeness and quality of the content.